Deeply chocolaty like devil's food cake, speckled with sugar on the outsides and filled with soft chocolate or jam in the centers, these cookies are a...
With a crisp graham cracker crust, lemony cream cheese filling and a sweet peach topping, these bar cookies are like a cross between cheesecake and juicy...
Flecked with sea salt on the outside, buttery and supremely crunchy within, this pretzel shortbread leans to the savory side, both salty and sweet. This...
This easy recipe turns a classic Southern coconut pie recipe into wonderfully chewy bar cookies with a shortbread crust. The chocolate chips are optional,...
These cookies combine the crackly outsides and tender, chewy centers of snickerdoodles with the warming ginger and molasses of gingerbread. It's a more...
If you're looking for the sturdiest of gingerbread houses, this recipe will get you there. (Here's a printable cut-out template.) A high quantity of shortening...
Brownielike and soft-centered, these fudgy cookies are packed with dried cherries, nuts and chocolate chips. Feel free to substitute your favorite nuts...
A cross between an American chocolate chip cookie and a French shortbread, this treat was inspired by one created by François Perret, the pastry chef...
Moist in the center and crisp at the corners, these fudgy brownies are lusciously smooth but for the occasional crunch of a chocolate chip. Their bittersweet...
Glazed and dotted with sprinkles, this Danish treat sandwiches raspberry jam between two buttery cookie layers - and has Pop-Tarts vibes. Popular in bakeries...
With plenty of cocoa powder and big wells of dark chocolate, these double chocolate cookies are so fudgy that a tall glass of cold milk is not only delicious,...
These raspberry crumble bars have all the buttery, jammy, brown sugary charms of a raspberry crumb pie. But they're a whole lot easier to serve at a large...
Cookies made with peanut butter seem to keep getting better, especially as we learn to appreciate salty desserts. The peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich...
Glossy and near black in color, these intense, easy-to-make chocolate cookies are like a cross between fudge and the deepest of brownies -- and gluten-free...
Made with a combination of fresh and ground ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves, these gingerbread cookies are extra-spicy and very crisp. You could...
Follow the same rules you would for egg-white meringues to make the aquafaba version. Start with room-temperature aquafaba and add the sugar slowly, one...
Similar to cucidati, the Italian fig cookies traditionally served at Christmastime, these adorable mini pies are filled with dried figs, dried cherries...
Light and buttery, these tender cookies have a subtle corn flavor and a texture similar to ladyfingers or madeleines. They keep well and are just as delicious...
A simple cheesecake recipe that requires no water bath or springform pan and tastes like a creamy pumpkin pie. Baked in a 9-by-13-inch pan, these are sliced...
These are almost brownie-like in flavor, and remain slightly softer than many traditional sugar cookies. The recipe was developed by Georganne Bell, a...
These heavenly little bars, adapted from the Southern cookbook author Julia Reed, are a modern-day, perfect-for-a-picnic version of a traditional custard...
These soft-centered, marbled bars have all the hallmarks of a winning autumnal treat - spiced pumpkin, rich dark chocolate, toasty pecans and a splash...
These are a classic slice-and-bake cookie, ripe for improvisation. Not into hazelnuts? Pistachios, almonds, even chocolate chunks are great here. Don't...
It was said that the recipient of the very first batch of these brownies polished them off, alone, in one sitting. There is no proof of this. What we do...
Floral hibiscus and citrus zest, along with coarse sugar, make up a delightful swirl in a buttery shortbread dough with contrasting textures from chewy...
The salted caramel brownie is an ingenious combination of blond, bittersweet caramel and dark, bittersweet chocolate. Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito of...
A basic cookie dough recipe is at the heart of this treat, great for any occasion. A cookie press (think of a caulking machine, but with cookie dough)...
These cakey cookies have crisp edges and fluffy centers almost like muffin tops - which we can all agree is the best part of a muffin. Packed with sweet...
Once upon a time, good Jewish housewives (known as balaboostas in Yiddish) all knew how to make pastries like strudel, rugelach and schnecken from scratch,...
The chef Bonnie Morales Frumkin upgraded this recipe from a treat her Russian family often made during the Soviet era as a way to stretch precious supplies...
The torta is really a big cookie whose texture is a cross between a perfect shortbread and the best crumb topping you can imagine. The addition of almond...
Slightly more tender than shortbread cookies, golden French sablés have a deep buttery flavor and an appealing sandy texture. These are studded with crunchy...
Delicate, buttery and festooned with colored sugar or sprinkles, spritz cookies are a holiday staple. You can make excellent ones without any special items...
The love child of a juicy summer fruit pie and a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich, these family-friendly bars are perfect for a backyard picnic...
Two things are required to get the best crinkly effect on these cookies: First, use the right ratio of leaveners (baking powder and baking soda). This...
Most blond brownie recipes rely on copious amounts of brown sugar for flavor, without calling for any chocolate. These, from "Marbled, Swirled and Layered"...
You wouldn't necessarily think adding rye flour to brownies would be a good idea, but it's fabulous. The flour lends a deep earthiness that works wonderfully...
Whether you're making Santas or dreidls, shamrocks or bunnies, this foolproof cookie and royal icing recipe is the only one you need. Don't skip chilling...
Guillaume Portier, a pastry instructor at La Cuisine Paris cooking school, encouraged me as I was trying to recreate Biscuits Rose de Reims, pink sugar-topped...
This tribute to the artist Ellsworth Kelly's work "Nine Colors," requires just one decorating skill: mixing colors. Use gel food coloring for the best...
Full of nubby oats and plenty of sweet raisins, these lightly spiced cookies are pleasingly chewy in the center and crisp around the edges, with a hint...
The former New York Times fashion critic Cathy Horyn is also an accomplished home baker. (Not many of us food writers are also sleek fashion plates, so...
When it comes to decorating sugar cookies, there's nothing more iconic or festive than that thick, glossy royal icing. You'll want to mix the ingredients...
This recipe comes from Sister Pie, a Detroit bakery specializing in pies and baked goods, like blueberry plum balsamic pie, buttered corn scones and rhubarb...
These cookies are crumblier, crisper and more buttery in flavor than the typical cookie made with high-fat sweet cream butter. Which is exactly why you...
This dessert bar was first published by The New York Times in 1952 in a review of Passover dishes, and later it appeared in the pamphlet "Holiday Desserts:...
For as long as anyone can remember, wedding receptions in Pittsburgh have featured cookie tables, laden with dozens of homemade old-fashioned offerings...
These raspberry crumble bars have all the buttery, jammy, brown sugary charms of a raspberry crumb pie. But they're a whole lot easier to serve at a large...